Thu 5 Dec 2024 7:57PM

Standards for Steward behaviour on League-affiliated channels

CE Chaia Eran Public Seen by 40

We now have two separate instances of a Steward acting in a manner on our Zulip that has upset and hurt other Stewards. We need a codification of standards and acceptable behaviour for Stewards while acting in the capacity of a Steward, which includes posting in League-affiliated places such as the Zulip, and we need it yesterday.


Chaia Eran Thu 5 Dec 2024 8:47PM

Obviously, all of Part II of the Community Code (which is still a draft) applies, and is as follows:

Part II.  Abuse and Harassment

  1. Bigoted and Oppressive Conduct

    1. Users shall not post hateful or violent rhetoric directed toward any group of people based on race, ethnic or national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.

    2. Users shall not act in a manner which has the effect of enacting, entrenching, or advancing bigotry or violence based on race, ethnic or national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender or queer identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or disease.

Other Harmful and Violent Conduct

  1. Users shall not abuse, harass, or threaten others. This includes:

    1. attempting to contact any User who has taken action to stop the User from contacting them, either on or off site;

    2. intentionally referring to another person with incorrect pronouns or a former name/deadname;

    3. habitually defaming most or all of one’s critics, including via abuse of political, social justice, or therapy terminology; and

    4. attempting to start campaigns which might pressure Node Staff into making moderation decisions which are incompatible with the Community Code or the goals of the League.

In addition, I feel quite strongly that we should establish the following:

If you are posting on an official League communication channel (i.e. Coordination, Consensus, etc., NOT including a node of the League), then you are acting in your capacity as a Steward, and thus you are expected to act in accordance with a separate set of rules of conduct for Stewards acting in an official capacity.


Chaia Eran Thu 5 Dec 2024 8:48PM

What those rules are is what we're here in this thread to establish.


atonal440 Thu 5 Dec 2024 9:20PM

I think one important thing is League business conversations should be fact based, and people should try to respond to arguments and not emotions. I recognize the limitations of this approach and I don't want to go full Roberts Rules on this or anything but people should try to be as "reasonable" as they can be, and seek consistency in their arguments.


walking mirage Thu 5 Dec 2024 11:17PM

I have started work on a code of conduct derived from the Contributor Covenant. Comments and feedback are appreciated.