
dmg-tech: onboarding guide posts and recommendations

K kouhai Public Seen by 18

we seem to have settled on what our "golden path" roughly looks like. let's start nailing that down.

we have rough consensus, so we should push a first draft, and get opinions second. (todo; guide writing)


Poll Created Fri 27 Sep 2024 9:45PM

quick policy check: tech-wg will not support instance software migrations Closed Sat 28 Sep 2024 9:00PM

What is the decision you need to make?

to ensure that we do not overcommit volunteer time, tech-wg will adopt a policy of not supporting instance software migrations for the foreseeable future. this doesn’t preclude adding support later, but we will communicate as if this migration is unsupported

Why is this important?

ensure that prospective operators and volunteers do not have false expectations.

What are you asking of people in this proposal?

If you have an Objection, please say why and propose a change to the proposal that makes it safe.

Remember we are seeking consent for a ‘good enough’ decision that is 'safe to try', so we can make a good decision for our organization.


Results Option % of points Voters
Consent 100.0% 8 MJL V K T R M WM AB
Objection 0.0% 0  
Undecided 0% 2 S TD

8 of 10 people have participated (80%)


Alyaza Birze
Fri 27 Sep 2024 9:45PM

it would be nice to eventually start trying to allow for this if we ever have the capacity--but yes, seems like the logical option right now. we have enough to deal with and it's a very involved process based on the conversation in the "how to run a node" thread on Discord.


Fri 27 Sep 2024 9:45PM

I've never heard of this being done at all prior to today, and it appears the cases that have occurred have been riddled with errors. I think it just makes more sense to recommend using a new instance and account migration features to move between instance software, as annoying as it is.


muffin j. lord
Fri 27 Sep 2024 9:45PM

this sounds like it would break in fun but extremely unhelpful ways if attempted on anything more established than the most nascent of nodes. Our guidance should probably be to start clean over if it's bad enough to consider this.


Fri 27 Sep 2024 9:45PM

As I understand the tech, this is a reeeeaaaally long-term stretch goal. Nothing supports this now, and nothing will support it without a lot of work and research. We can't support it right now - there are many other priority things for us


walking mirage
Fri 27 Sep 2024 9:45PM

Question: can the account domain (say, be reused if different software is installed on a different host domain (say, switching from GTS on to akkoma on


ruby Sat 28 Sep 2024 1:46PM

@atomicthumbs I asked this one in the discord a few days ago, was told no (


viviridian Sat 28 Sep 2024 8:56PM

@ruby @walking mirage It can't be reused without manual intervention on any instance that's already aware exists. We're basically locked into using gts there.

Item removed


Fri 27 Sep 2024 9:45PM

It seems incredibly difficult to do this a single time, let alone documenting it in a reproducible manner.

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